Golden Pheasant by Max Hellicar
Rare non-native breeding bird reports
Reports compiled by the Rare Breeding Birds Panel on breeding birds which are not native to the UK are published in the journal British Birds.
This page provides links to all the Panel’s reports covering the years 1996 to 2020 inclusive. In recent years, reports have covered a range of years – the most recent report spanned six years. The Panel is grateful to British Birds for making these reports available as PDF files.
Non-native report for 1996: British Birds 92 (1999): 176-182.
Non-native report for 1997: British Birds 92 (1999): 472-476.
Non-native report for 1998: British Birds 93 (2000): 428-433.
Non-native report for 1999: British Birds 94 (2001): 518-522.
Non-native report for 2000: British Birds 95 (2002): 631-635.
Non-native report for 2001: British Birds 96 (2003): 620-625.
Non-native report for 2002: British Birds 97 (2004): 633-637.
Non-native report for 2003-05: British Birds 100 (2007): 638-649.
Non-native report for 2006-08: British Birds 104 (2011): 114-138.
Non-native report for 2009-11: British Birds 107 (2014): 122-141.
Non-native report for 2012-14: British Birds 110 (2017): 92-108.
Non-native report for 2015-20: British Birds 116 (2023): 486-507.
For the years since 2015 we have included an annual summary of records of rare non-native breeding birds in an appendix of our annual report in order to report more promptly and maintain interest in this important aspect of the RBBP’s role. These short species accounts from these reports can be accessed via Explore Reports.