Marsh Harrier by RSPB Images
Explore Reports
From this page you can interactively explore all RBBP reports covering 1973 to 2017 inclusive. Select by any combination of species/year.
You can also select all species for a single year. Select ‘all’ from the drop down species list and you can then choose whether the resultant report will be in alphabetical, BOU/IOC (2020), or Voous (1977) sequence. Then select the year of interest to produce a version of our published reports. Any of your searches can be printed by selecting the printer icon.
Please note that anyone who uses material from this website to produce another resource, be it distributed electronically or as a printed paper, should acknowledge both the Rare Breeding Birds Panel and British Birds.
We are grateful to Ian Andrews, James Boyle and Stephen Hunter who have helped provide this service, based on the original papers submitted to British Birds.
Further details including the terms and conditions of use are given below.
Please read the Terms and Conditions below for limitations of use, listed below.
After ticking the box to confirm that you accept these Terms and Conditions, choose a species from the drop-down list, select the year(s), and click on the Display Report button. (If you choose all species, the report is restricted to a single year, and you can choose how the species are sorted.)
You will then be presented with the text and any tables, graphs or maps as published in the original reports.
RBBP reports are first published in the journal British Birds and, by arrangement with the publishers of British Birds, we are able to offer online access to the species accounts from the reports through this website. Please note that the most recent issue is only available online one year after publication.
RBBP has produced annual reports since the first covering 1973. The list of species considered by RBBP has grown over the years and is reviewed periodically to reflect changing population sizes measured against criteria for inclusion on our list. (see Species overview). Users of this website should therefore be aware that the absence of a species in a year may be because it was not included on the RBBP list that time. (details of our list and the years a species was covered by the RBBP can be found under the Species menu).
Up until 2010 inclusive, any extra data received subsequent to the publication of the reports have been incorporated into the searches. For reports from 2011 onwards, any such records have not yet been added, but they can be accessed here. Researchers should ensure they check the report amendments for those years.
Non-native species: from the 2015 report onwards we have included records of non-native species and these can be accessed via this facility. In future we plan to include reports of these species from our separate Rare Breeding Non-native Species reports within this search facility.
The Rare Breeding Birds Panel would like to thank the Directors of BB2000, the non-profit making company which publishes British Birds for allowing us to present material from their published journals in this way.
Terms and Conditions
Copyright for the information presented here remains with the publisher of the original source report. No part of this database may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the RBBP and copyright owners. Contact us for further details.
It is, however, acceptable to use the information presented here as the basis of any analysis, as long as both RBBP and British Birds are suitably acknowledged (see below).
Please note that this service is only one way to access the published information on rare breeding birds; users should be aware that there may now be additional information available elsewhere. The RBBP attempts to collate all data on the breeding status of species on the RBBP list and welcomes additional sources of information which can be added to our archives. Additions and corrections to our published reports are included where available.
Earlier reports which make up this online resource were generated by scanning paper copies, and the imprecision of automatic character recognition makes occasional errors inevitable. Always check with an original if quoting from a RBBP report. Please report any errors found to the RBBP Secretary.