Bird Monitoring Methods
For most of the species breeding in the UK, standard recording methodologies were documented in a book Bird Monitoring Methods by Gillian Gilbert, David W Gibbons and Julianne Evans, published by RSPB in 1998. The authors have kindly allowed RBBP to reproduce the pages from this manual on our website. Click on the species names from the list below to read the text from that book. These methodologies should be taken to be the standards by which numbers of breeding pairs should be calculated, unless the RBBP has provided more up to date instructions under the Species Guidelines page.
Cetti’s Warbler [no longer reported upon by RBBP]
Ducks – generic methodologies
Firecrest [no longer reported upon by RBBP]
Red Kite [no longer reported upon by RBBP]
Water Rail [no longer reported upon by RBBP]