The new RBBP website –
Launched in December 2020, the updated RBBP website brings together all the information previously online but in a new, easier to navigate, format.
The Home page includes links to our latest annual report and to the updated Explore Reports feature, where the user can explore all our 44 of published reports covering 1973 to 2017 by selecting a species and a range of years. Recent tweets from our Twitter feed appear to the side of the page.
The About menu gives background information about the Rare Breeding Birds Panel, describing what we do, our membership and history, why our data are important for conservation, acknowledgements, our constitution and privacy notice and information on how to contact us.
News provides occasional updates on Panel activities and news about rare breeding birds, with our recent Twitter feed also available here.
Every so often we publish blogs for wider dissemination, sometimes authored by RBBP but also those authored by guests who have been involved with the study of a rare breeding bird in the UK. You can find these on our Blog page.
The Species menu gives an overview of what species are covered by the RBBP, and how they are selected, and also provides full lists of species on the current RBBP list as well as those no longer considered. A list of species can be downloaded and there is information on why we also monitor rare non-native breeding species. In time we intend to develop this section of the website to provide more details on a species by species basis.
The Data menu gives information on how to request data from the RBBP archives and our data access policy. From here you can find out how about data submission, including background on where data come from, definitions of terms we frequently use, and information on how to submit data to the Panel.
The Info for Data Suppliers menu contains resources for those who supply data to us, especially useful for the UK’s network of bird recorders who provide the bulk of our data. It is within this menu that suppliers can find the spreadsheet used to submit annual data.
Explore Reports provides links to our Explore facility where data from our published reports can be accessed by selecting a species and a range of years. You can also access all of our published reports, excluding only the most recent, and this is where you will find amendments to our published reports from 2005 onwards (usually additional records) and copies of our non-native reports.
Surveys provides more information on surveys the Rare Breeding Birds Panel is involved in, usually in partnership with other organisations.
The Resources menu gives links to useful publications which use RBBP data, copies of the standard species monitoring guidelines and useful links to related organisations. We are compiling a bibliography of papers on rare breeding birds in the UK, including species surveys and articles in local (county) bird reports which will be added to this page in 2021. This bibliography will always be a work in progress; we would welcome suggestions of papers to be added to this list.